

13th September 2012


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Chris has been at creative production studio Saddington Baynes since 1995, progressing from being its first retoucher to present CEO. A fan of photography, Instagram, films, graphic novels, tennis, travelling and Manchester United, he says “it’s been truly exciting to play a part in the first digital image revolution in advertising.”     Image: Chris Christodoulou, CEO, Saddington Baynes, London.   At the moment I am working on... Growing the business. We’re hiring in several areas as we expand our creative, digital and production capabilities.   The best piece of creative work around at the moment is... I’m really into the Plusnet ads by Karmarama. I love the way they’ve promoted something as tedious as broadband as being ‘good and honest’. My wife is from Yorkshire, so I know they’ve got the humour and personality spot on.   I am inspired by... Music, film, art, photography, graphic novels, my friends.   This year I’ll be attending... The D&AD 50th birthday awards in London and am very excited to see some friendly faces at the event. It will also be interesting to see what creative campaigns made the grade, and also what the industry’s young talent has to offer.   The next big thing in advertising... Is going to be Connected TV - the trend of the intergration of the internet and Web 2.0 features into television. The piece of advertising work I wish I had thought of is... Honda “The Impossible Dream” commercial by Wieden + Kennedy. One the best examples of inspiring advertising there is. The grading, the music, the editing - it was absolutely spot on. It speaks straight to your heart.   In a film about my life, I’d like to be played by... Andy Garcia.   In my industry, I admire... Companies that fuse great storytelling with technology. I’m a big fan of RGA, Razorfish, B-Reel, and GlueIsobar.   The screen background on my mobile phone is of... My wife Lisa.   My last social media update said... “Two top tracks that I’m feeling right now: Rise by Richard Earnshaw and Journeyman by Forss @ericw Vivid lyrics & storytelling, great vibes.”   My dream collaboration is... Drawing a Batman graphic novel from a story by writer Neil Gaiman.   In up and coming talent, I look for... Energy, passion and that wonderful combination of creativity and logic.   A piece of criticism I’ve received was... That I’m a perfectionist.   The last song I listened to was... ‘Love me like a River Does’ by Melody Gardot   Video: Plusnet by Karmarama, London.   See work from Saddington Baynes that has featured in Archive here | Not already subscribed? Subscribe now.

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